Monday, August 25, 2014

Completed Costumes for Dragon*Con

Except for proper shaving, DH's War Doctor costume is complete.

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My costumes for Saturday and Sunday are also ready.

For Saturday:

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Victorian schoolmarm, Miss Frizzle, for Sunday:

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Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Final Wakulla Springs Day of the Summer

The Tallahassee Homeschool Group has had some wonderful programs at Wakulla Springs this summer, but today was the last one for this year. The theme was nature art.

Blaze and I arrived about a hour early, so we found a nearby trail and took a walk.

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The children were shown both impressionistic and realistic nature art, before going for a hike to collect materials to draw.

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This was the display that Blaze brought back:

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All of these programs end with the children being able to go swimming. Since public school started at the beginning of the week, this was the quietest I've ever seen the swimming area. It was a good day for cold spring water, too, since it was 95 degrees.

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There were three manatees playing and eating near the swimming area.

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Monday, August 18, 2014

Finishing Up Our World War 2 History Unit

We didn't really take a summer break, we just had shorter school weeks, doing lessons Monday-Wednesday. Last Wednesday, we finished up our history unit on World War II.

We read all of the book, World War II for Kids.

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We did several of the activities in the book, such as making a field ration box and eating only what was in it for a day.

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We also started some seeds and started sprouting a potato for a small "victory garden".

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DH and Blaze spent two nights watching the movie Patton. This was something that DH really wanted to do with Blaze, because his father had taken him to see Patton in the movie theater.

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The BBC had a couple of good programs about what people on the home front were going through during the war.

BBC 2's Wartime Farm series:

Now, on to the 1950's!