Monday, July 19, 2010

Steamy Little Party Picks

As far as I've seen, there are no party supplies, commercially available, for a child's airship pirate/steampunk birthday party. Luckily, Blaze has let me know months in advance what he wants, so I've already started working on it. I have far more free time now, than I will have in early December, which is when his birthday actually is. I have decided to make cupcakes for the kids, along with a small cake that can hold the candles.

To make the cupcakes look steampunk, I've made cute little steampunk people, using the website, tektek, which is for creating sample avatars for Gaia Online.

Gaia Dream Avatar Maker


I saved each avatar picture to the computer desk top, then moved them to a Word document, so that I could print off a whole page full onto white card stock.


A couple of the designs I chose were made by other people, and some were avatars I made for the members of our family last year.

Next, I traced a gear shape onto card stock and cut out a number of "gears" equal to the number of avatar pictures I have.

If you print this next picture out as a full page on card stock, it should work perfectly, and save you the trouble of tracing one template over and over (which is what I actually did).



I used metallic colored spray paint (leftover from other projects) to paint both sides of the paper gears.


When the paint was dry, I placed a small canning jar lid over each avatar and traced around the inside edge of the lid with a pencil, to make a circular cutting line. Then cut out all the circles and glued them to the "gears".


If you want to make these for a more mature party, you can use old, copyright free images found on-line.


The final touch is to add the stick. This is just a 4-inch bamboo skewer, attached to the back of the "gear" with a single line of hot glue.


As soon as the hot glue is dry, which is a matter of minutes, the picks are ready to use.


The other cupcake decorating item that I plan to use, just arrived in the mail today. They are laser cut cupcake wrappers, made by a craftsperson on Etsy.


Geekinesis, Laser Cut Cupcake Wrappers on Etsy

1 comment:

  1. This is all completely brilliant!! My mom is throwing a Steampunk themed party for her boyfriend and we have been scouring the internet for ideas.

    Thank you!
