Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Last Airbender Haircut


DH took Blaze to the movies last weekend to see the Last Airbender. DH said that the script was weak, but it was visually very beautiful. Blaze loved the movie!
Blaze had been telling me for several days that he wanted a haircut that would make him look like the main character in the movie, so yesterday I granted his wish (after all, it's only hair, it will grow back quickly enough).


First, I gave him a very short crew cut with the electric shears, then made a stencil out of paper and marked it onto his scalp, before shaving the arrow design down the middle of his head.


Blaze is very pleased with the way it looks and keeps admiring himself in the mirror.


  1. Oh my gosh! He looks so much like the character in the photo you posted!!!!!

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