Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Last Day of Aquabilities

Today was the last day of the morning swim lessons, although training for Special Olympics will continue a couple times a week.
It's been so much fun all summer, for me to socialize with the other parents and nannies at the pool, and for Blaze to make new friends and get lots of exercise. He has gained so much confidence this summer, along with a wicked tan ( he didn't get that from me, I only burn, never tan).

Here are some scenes from the past two days:


The lifeguard at Mickle Pool had a clever way to get Blaze to practice diving under water. He had a set of water-proof cards that they used to play "Go Fish". He set the deck on the floor of the pool, so that if you had to "go fish", you had to dive to the bottom to draw a card.


This morning, channel 20 news sent out a reporter to learn about the program and film the children.


There is safety in numbers. Blaze said he was scared to talk to the reporter, but once his friends volunteered to stand next to him, all of his shyness disappeared.




At the end of the swimming session, all the children received certificates of completion.


Blaze was also given the trophy he was supposed to have received at the end of the baseball season ( we had missed the end of the season picnic).


Here is a link to the Channel 20 News story:


  1. I found your blog through a post of yours at the LJ steamfashion community, and I'm hooked. It's a delightful read, the pictures are beautiful and already I've learned about so many different things.
    Keep up the good work :)
