Monday, August 16, 2010

Rained Out

Well, we went to Orlando and we got wet, but we never made it inside the water park.
It started sprinkling as we parked the car. Just as we were about to have all of our bags searched (the step right before presenting our tickets at the gate), it started thundering, lightning, and pouring rain. We waited under the over-hang from a kiosk roof for a while, but the rain didn't let up.

I took this picture right after we got out of the car. Look at all those poor people waiting in line. This was only about 10 minutes before they were all told to seek shelter.



We were then out the cost of parking ($12), but at least we hadn't used our admission tickets yet, so we still have those to use another day.

Instead we went to Ikea, had lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant, and then wandered around Skycraft for awhile.