Saturday, September 4, 2010

More Plantings of Protest

This morning, I went out to the garden to see if I could locate any of the missing tools, but had no luck. During the football game I added three more signs to my protest out there.


U.F. did win the game, but the television commentators kept talking about how poorly they were playing. I like to think the lack of skill on the football field today was due to karma.




Here is the gift of trash we received:


Proof that the Morning Glories were still blooming on the bamboo hut when they tore it down:



  1. Is there no one you can call about this?

  2. It's very confusing. There is a professor who is sort of in-charge of the gardens, but he is so busy with other things that he has no time, energy, or interest left for the gardens (he has been e-mailed about this, though). To make matters more complicated, one student organization is supposed to be managing the gardens for another student organization that collects the rent money. None of the rent money goes back into garden up-keep and the managing group really doesn't feel like doing the work anymore (it's really hard to blame them since they don't get anything out of it).

  3. The professor contacted me this morning to apologize. He claims that he only had 2 hours notice that the mowing was going to happen and didn't have time to notify anyone. He also claims not to have a record of our rent payment for the past two years, even though we had paid and were some of the few people who showed up for the big garden clean-up in the Spring.

  4. Sounds like some crazy school politics going on. Still, the professor knew 2 hours before it was going to happen he couldn't warn people? I vote for container gardening next year.

  5. That's exactly what my husband and I were just talking about doing (great minds think alike).

  6. Because we are that awesome. Psychic bi-coastal powers unite!
