Monday, February 7, 2011

A Candy Jar for Valentine's Day

About a month ago, we were looking at some apothecary jars and DH told me he would like to have some someday, because he likes the way they look. For Valentine's Day, I decided to start his collection. I purchased a jar at Michael's, filled it with candy, and made a label for it. I found the label design as a free printable graphic here:

If you have never seen The Graphic Fairy website before, I highly encourage you to spend some time browsing. It's full of wonderful vintage graphics, and more are being added all the time.

Here is the finished label:


and here is the whole jar:



  1. What a unique shape!!! I'll have to see if our Michael's carries these.

  2. I love it!!!
    I didn't know Michael's had such great jars, I'll have to check it out:)
    I often visit the Graphic Fairy for my projects, great site!
