Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Tea Bag Rocket

I saw this project for the first time about a week ago, but it was only today that we had time to try it ourselves.

It's very simple. Starting with a fresh, dry tea bag, not a used one, cut the top (the stapled part) off the bag and empty out the tea. Open the bag up, so that it forms a tube. set it on a fire-safe surface and light the top edge on fire. Just before the tube has burned down completely, it will shoot up into the air.

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  1. Hi guys! Our flight was late, we weren't able to get our registration done. I have the Brit Track welcome scheduled at 10am, but the rest of my day is all over the place. I have a black underskirt with white lace, and a blue taffeta bustle. Black short sleeve shirt and my bodice matches the skirts. Plus I'm half-Korean. If I see you I'll give you a shout!

  2. We aren't there yet. My husband had to work yesterday. We'll be leaving home around 6 a.m. and it will take us about 5 hours to get there. We have reservations at the Sundial restaurant in the Westin at 2 p.m. and then we'll be at the tea duel at 4 p.m. I'm wearing my explorer costume with the pith helmet.
