Monday, April 12, 2010

Campfire Cooking:Desserts

Toasting marshmallows over a campfire are the traditional camping dessert.


If we were to skip doing this, at least once, during any camping trip, I think Blaze would feel that something important was missing from the camp experience.

The next step, if you like chocolate, is to turn those toasted marshmallows into S'mores, by sandwiching them between two graham crackers, along with half a chocolate bar.


But, if you are camping for more than one night and would like a sweet treat other than s'mores, here are two desserts we tried last week:

Lemon Pies

1 package of prepared mini graham cracker pie shells

1 can sweetened condensed milk

1 large lemon

2 large marshmallows per pie

In a mixing bowl, combine the sweetened condensed milk and the lemon juice. As you stir, it will set up into a pudding.




Fill the pie shells with the pudding.


Toast two marshmallows for each pie and spread the melted marshmallows over each pie to imitate meringue.



Apple Pie on a Stick

Apple wedges

Cinnamon and sugar

Dip apple slices in a mixture of cinnamon and sugar (this coating will help keep the moisture in the apple as it cooks). Skewer the apple slices on a cooking fork or stick and hold over the campfire until the apples have softened.


Sprinkle with additional sugar and cinnamon and serve.


1 comment:

  1. I want to go camping with you! lol

    We used to camp quite a bit, but we haven't since Kayla was born. She's been begging for the last few months for us to go this summer, and I think we will in June. I'm going to bookmark this post of yours so I have some yummy dessert ideas to make. :)
