Sunday, April 4, 2010

Children and Nature Awareness Month

We will be exploring nature out of town this week and I'm assuming the campground doesn't have WiFi, although I could be wrong. While we're away, be sure to go visit 5 Orange Potatoes to learn about The Children and Nature Network and Children and Nature Awareness Month. There is also a photo challenge to take a picture of your child outside every day in April.

Here are a couple pictures from today of Blaze playing that he's camping.



I may not be posting for a few days, but I'm sure I'll be taking plenty of pictures to post when we get back.


  1. this is great Lisa! love that you were able to post Blaze outdoors today! Have a great trip!


  2. It looks like he is having a good time.

  3. love the pup tent! and wow, a picture outside every day? that would be an easy thing to swing this year, what with the nice weather in nyc, but usually it's still cold cold cold.

    cannot wait to see more of your outside time. xoxo
