Thursday, May 6, 2010

Let the Wild Rumpus Start!

I've been helping the elementary children at school to make costumes that look like various rainforest animals, because they will be preforming the short musical Rumpus in the Rainforest at the end-of-the-year celebration.

The jaguar has been painting his costume, while the army ants have been working on their antennas.


We didn't want to use masks, because we wanted the families to be able to see their children's faces while they were performing, so we're using lots of baseball caps.





So far, my favorite costume is the Blue Morpho butterfly, who is camouflaged to blend in with the trees on one side and bright blue on the other.


We are not even close to being done with all of the costumes yet, and we have only just started with the scenery, so there will be more pictures as we get closer to the end of the school year and the day of the play.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a lot of fun. I'm so glad the kids get to be involved in making their costumes. And I really like the idea of no masks.
