Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Museum of Science and History, Jacksonville


Last Saturday, we visited MOSH, The Museum of Science and History, in Jacksonville to see the Narnia exhibit. The exhibit contained props and costumes from the Narnia movies, as well as a small display of things that belonged to C.S. Lewis. The item that DH most coveted was C.S. Lewis' personal copy of The Lord of the Rings.


The exhibit also had a few hands-on activities for children, such as this set of blocks that demonstrated how to build an arch.


There was also an exhibit about the human body



and all the permanent exhibits, like the one about ocean life.


I love science museum gift shops! For less than a dollar, I purchased this little parachute man, which kept Blaze busy and asking questions about air and flight for the rest of the weekend ( it also caused him to get lots of exercise climbing up and down stairs, which is something he's normally not comfortable with). The house we've been staying in at the Plantation has multiple levels, so it's perfect for this.
