Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Schooling Never Really Ends

One of the many obstacles that Blaze has to overcome, is a reading disability. Our progress is very slow in this direction, but it is happening. However, if we took the entire summer off, the way the schools do, we would loose what we have gained. I have continued to have him do one page a day in a simple phonics workbook and I found an app. for the Ipod that was only 99 cents and has over 300 sight word flash cards. The educational Ipod apps mean that Blaze can be learning new words while we're driving to swimming class, or his various appointments.

When we went to Jacksonville, a couple days ago, to pick up the newly repaired desktop computer, we went to the Anthropologie store and Blaze saw this children's cookbook that he really wanted.


The deal I've made with him is that I will buy the cookbook, if he can read all of the words on that sight word program without assistance.


  1. Sounds like a good deal to me!

  2. We are doing the same with my 10 year old son. He has Aspergers and learning delays in addition to other medical issues. I agree that if we took a break from everything it would be harder for us in the Fall.

  3. In order to "bribe" my daughter to read, I told her that I would buy her a whole set of her favourite fairy books, if she promised me she would read them all herself! Well she 3 days she had read all 7, and she's been unstoppable ever since!!! Hope it works for you too!!
    xo maureen

  4. I love inspiring stories like that! Thank you!
