Saturday, July 3, 2010

Blazes Breakthrough Summer

Blaze has been gaining confidence by trying and succeeding at so many new things. One of the directors of Noah's Endeavor has been referring to this as "Blaze's breakthrough year".

This is the child who was afraid to put his face in the water last year at swimming class. After being able to swim for only three weeks, he is happily jumping off the high-dive.


After I stopped cringing every time I watched him climb up there, I got a real kick out of watching him put his hands together in a diving pose, and then jump feet first.

This is also the child who was afraid of the slide at the pool last year. Now, the promise of the slide each Thursday, motivates him to work hard the rest of the week.


This past Thursday he attended his first dance. It was not the first dance he had been invited to, but it was the first one he agreed to go to. He was truly excited to go. There wasn't a shy bone in his body when we got there. As soon as the music started playing, he was showing off some pretty wild dance moves to a couple college girls.

Everyone had such a great time at the dance. that they've decided to have another one next Thursday.



How low can you go?

The Electric Slide


1 comment:

  1. GOOD FOR YOU, BLAZE!!! Hooray for swimming lessons and high dives, and curly, twirly slides into the pool. Such fun...
