Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our 3rd Wedding Anniversary

Step into my time machine and I will take you back to 2007.
Three years ago tomorrow, this was us (this was originally posted Aug. 20,2007):

Wedding Photos

Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil, and See No Evil (waiting for the wedding)

My mom called tonight because while she was writing our wedding date in her book of birthdays and anniversaries to remember, she discovered that Aug. 16 was also her parents’ wedding anniversary (Aug.16, 1930).

DH and I spent one child-free night in St. Augustine as our honeymoon, but the whole time we kept thinking how much the children would enjoy all the things we were seeing. We drove home the next day, picked up the children, and returned to St. Augustine.

Nika and Blaze enjoying the beach:

Let's return to the time machine and back to 2010.

Tonight we celebrated with a "raspberry elegance" cake from Publix, the same cake we had on our wedding day.


The traditional gift for a third anniversary is leather, but the modern gift is glass or crystal. I gave DH the French apothecary jar style drink dispenser sitting next to the cake in the picture. Besides bringing home the wonderful cake, he is giving me the crystal clear waters of the Aquatica water park.

I have never been to a water park before. I know that's a strange thing for a person living in Florida to admit, but I didn't grow up here. Blaze has also never been to one, because I told him he had to learn to swim before we'd take him, so this is also his reward for learning to swim this summer. Special admission prices begin tomorrow for AAA members, so we're going to be at the AAA office as soon as they open in the morning, and then it's off to Orlando.


  1. Happy anniversary to both of you and enjoy the water park! :)

    By the way, I love Nika's umbrella in the ocean photo and her tights in the first photo. Very cool!

  2. Happy Anniversary!

    Can I just say that I *love* that you went back to get the kids... :)
