Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Ripley's Believe it or Not Museum

Yesterday, we went to the Ripley's Believe it or Not museum in St. Augustine for the first time. Even though we had driven past and walked past it a few hundred times, we had never gone in before. DH had been very unenthusiastic about going there, but my pesterage (I know there is really no such word, but it is the word he used to describe it) finally paid off.


This is in the parking lot, before you even enter the museum:





Once inside the museum, I was a bit disappointed by the number of fortune telling machines trying to separate patrons from their money. It had not been cheap to get into the museum, so I didn't think they needed so many other ways to make money. I would have liked to see more oddness and less vending.

This really looks like the kind of project I would do if I had more time. The clock cabinet is made completely out of clothes pins.

These are the kinds of things I expected when going to Ripley's.







The only part of the museum that Blaze had trouble with, was the walkway at the end. It is like a bridge through a spinning barrel of flashing colored lights. He was panicky about stepping onto the walkway and said the lights hurt his eyes. Even after explaining that the walkway was not actually moving, that it was an optical illusion, the only way to get him across was to have him close his eyes and be led across.

1 comment:

  1. We have a Ripley's Believe It or Not museum near us in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, too. We have completely different items, though. I thought some were very incredibly creepy, while others were incredibly fascinating.
