Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Farmers Market in the Rain

It is raining pretty steadily now. We are experiencing the outer edges of Tropical Storm Nicole, which is moving up the Atlantic coast right now.

A couple hours ago, when it was just barely drizzling, we decided not to let a few drops of rain stop us from going to the farmers market down town.


There were actually quite a few people enjoying the market despite the rain.

We had empanadas for dinner, from one of the booths, and ate them while listening to live music and watching small children play in front of the stage. Then for desert we had the most wonderful mocha cupcakes ( there were about 6 flavors to choose from, but we chose mocha, because we had discovered earlier, that today was National Coffee Day).


Our new rosemary plant:



  1. Your new rosemary plant reminds me that I'm wondering what the latest is on your destroyed garden. Any news or developments?

  2. I have given up trying to have a garden here. During the football game, there were people parked on the land where the gardens had been.
    We did not get any money back, and when I complained about my fruit trees being killed, I was told that fruit trees would no longer be allowed in the gardens.
    Until my husband graduates, I'll have to content myself with potted plants and maybe helping start a garden at the school in the Spring.

  3. Huh. Well that sucks. I can't believe they didn't even refund your money. Amazing how inconsiderate some people can be.

    Do you have a patio or something like a patio at your apartment for your potted plants?

  4. Not really. There is a breeze way, but it doesn't get any sun. Some people have planted things or keep pots next to the building, though. We may do that, since the plants in the windows don't do very well.
