Tuesday, March 1, 2011


This week, the older elementary children at school and Blaze started learning about Ancient Mesopotamia.

We've been doing worksheets about cuneiform, the writing of ancient Mesopotamia:




Blaze and I watched this movie Monday night and I will be showing it to the kids at school tomorrow morning. It's part of a series about ancient civilizations.


I also found this coloring page for the children to do, just incase the movie ends before the end of the class period:


The following website is a great resource for children learning about ancient Mesopotamia:


Last night, I discovered a rap song that tells all about ancient Mesopotamia. I just wish the sound quality on this recording was a little better.

Silly Music Video:

This was a strange co-incidence. I was working on lesson plans about Mesopotamia for Blaze this week, when DH turned on the t.v. just as Capt. Picard on Star Trek :The Next Generation started telling the story of Gilgamesh.

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