We had a good weekend visiting DH at Kingsley Plantation this weekend, which included having dinner at a Chinese Buffet with an old friend, seeing the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie, watching a beautiful sunset, and visiting the beach for the first time this year. Unfortunately, it also included getting a new tire for the car, but that didn't take very long.
We have been going to Kingsley Planation this time of year for 5 years and this was the first year I had seen a gopher tortois laying eggs. Now, I've seen it twice in two weeks.
Tortoise covering her eggs after laying them in a hole:
Peacocks in, and next to, the road on Fort George Island:
Looks Beautiful
It really is. My husband, a group of about 16 students, a professor, and a couple other teaching assistants get to live there for 6 weeks for archeology field school. My son and I get to pretend we have this great vacation home to go to every weekend.
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