Friday, May 20, 2011

Today's Crazy Schedule

Check e-mail

Get showered and dressed

Make sure Blaze gets dressed

Give Blaze his meds.

Call pharmacy for refill on prescription

Have breakfast

Blaze does unit 28 math test

read a book aloud about ancient Greek children

Take Blaze to speech therapy

Stop by the school

Get camp chairs and table out of storage locker (DH wants them at Kingsley)

Go to Target to buy Blaze a new body board (boogy board), since we may go to the beach this weekend, and the board he had last year broke in half.

Go to the medical plaza to pick up meds.

Eat lunch

Blaze's on-line phonics lesson

Load dirty laundry into the car

Blaze cleans his junk out of the car

Pack suitcase and get it to the car

Drive two hours to get to Kingsley Plantation and try to get there before 5 O'Clock, when the gates are locked for the night

Eat dinner

Hopefully go see pirate movie


  1. Oh goodness...I'm exhausted just reading it all.

    The new Pirates of the Caribbean movie? How was it?

  2. Pirates of the Caribbean was awesome! We went to see it in Imax, which made it like a very immersive, fast action ride. I was glad that Barbosa was in this one too. I like the strange relationship that Jack and Barbosa have. My husband described it as,"they are like an old couple that has divorced, but still love each other, they just know they can never live together again".
