Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Clockwork Electric Disturbance Indicator

When I purchased the pocket-size plasma light, my plan was to use it as a belt buckle for Blaze's Tesla Ranger costume.


The story behind it was that it could sense electrical activity, so that Blaze could be alerted to approaching robots. That idea hasn't changed, but the belt buckle idea has, because, as of this morning, it looks more like a pocket watch than a belt buckle.

That's because this morning I discovered that the pocket plasma light fit perfectly into a canning jar lid, giving it a nice, gold, metal frame. I had an old lamp finial that made a perfect winding key at the top of the light.




notwireduptocode said...

Where do I find the pocket size plasma light? I am in love with this idea, but I want to use it for my vampire hunter kit...

Crescent Moon said...

The last pocket plasma light I bought came from Amazon. The prices vary widely, but they are all the same product, so just look for the best deal.

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