Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Noah's Endeavor Holiday Party

Last night was the Noah's Endeavor holiday party at the Boys and Girls Club. The University of Florida Gospel Choir performed Christmas carols for us and encouraged the children to join them.

Sorry about the poor video quality*


Every family brought food or drinks to share.


There was also dancing, games,




and plenty of adorable children.



*I'm having to use and older, and less good, camera for indoor picture taking right now. A couple weeks ago, while I was taking pictures of the students at Trilogy in their science class, the flash on my camera blew up. There was a noise like a gun shot, a blinding light, and then the flash was no more. The camera seems to have suffered other damage in the explosion, as well. It needs to be in direct sunlight to take good pictures and even then The edges are a little unfocused and fuzzy.

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