We finished reading The Son of Neptune, by Rick Roirdan, yesterday afternoon. This was the second book in the Heroes of Olympus series. Blaze really enjoyed the action-packed ending, but it did end with the heroes talking about the beginning of their next quest. Rick Riordan's website says we must wait until Autumn for the next installment in the series, The Mark of Athena.
Last night, DH began reading the graphic novel, Amulet, aloud to Blaze.
The only other graphic novel that Blaze owns, is the adaptation of The Lightning Thief, by Rick Riordan, and that has been so successful as a tool to encourage Blaze to read on his own, that we wanted to buy more. Reading is very hard for Blaze and he has very little self confidence in that area, but with the short sentences and visual clues of a comic book, he's more willing to try, especially if there is an exciting plot. We will be reading it out loud to him first, though.
Noah has read them all:) Rick Roirdan is one of his favorite authors.
My Kayla loves Rick Riordan, too!
My daughter loves Rock Riordan too!
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