Friday, February 10, 2012

Wire Ponytail Wrap

I stayed home from work today with what I believe was a combination of migraine headache and food poisoning. My morning was spent alternating between wishing I was dead and sleeping, but when I woke up around noon, I felt almost human. The noise and flashing lights of the television bothered me, but I didn't want to lay around doing nothing, so I decided to lay in bed and make something I had been wanting.

For the past few years, I have admired the lovely silver hair wraps sold at one of the booths at the Hoggetowne Medieval Faire. I didn't want silver for mine, though, I wanted it to look like antique brass, to match some of my steampunk costume accessories.

I started with an old wire hanger that was the right color.


First, untwist and flatten out the wire. No cutting is needed to make a one-foot long hair wrap.

Then wrap the wire around a dowel or broom handle (my son's toy broom was perfect for this).



Use pliers to make a small loop at one end of the wire. This will be for hanging charms.

Slide the wire off of the dowel.


At this point you may add a single charm to the loop at the end of the wire or add lengths of chain and add several charms, like I did. By adding three lengths of chain and several charms, I figured I could use it like a charm bracelet and add more charms in the future. I used links from the chain as jump rings for attaching the charms.



To wear the ponytail wrap, make a ponytail and start wrapping the hair around the wire, starting at the rubber band and working your way to the tip of the ponytail.


Use a decorative barrette, comb, or silk flower to cover the rubber band for a more finished look.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea!! I'm a steampunk fan with long hair and I'd love to try this out :D
