There are several sites to visit within a two block area, the museum, the Ebenezer Baptist Church, King's birth place, and his grave.
The "I Have a Dream" speech:
Blaze was introduced to another topic in 20th century history while at DragonCon, as George Takei spoke about his youth in an internment camp for Japanese-Americans during World War 2. This is a subject we will definitely be revisiting when we reach the Second World War in our studies.
Nick and I came across a monument in DC for the Japanese who had been imprisoned during WWII. We had no idea it existed, and we were not looking for it, but we stopped and admired it all the same. It had a message I doubt anyone could disagree with, which was that it was a huge injustice that ought never be repeated.
I would really like to see George Takei's musical, Allegiance, which is about life in an internment camp. I told Mother that we had seen George Takei, but she didn't know who he was.
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