By 10:00 a.m., the Aleve I had taken was working and I was a functioning human being again.
Blaze as an inventor and DH as the War Doctor:
Our first event of the day was the airship races, but I'm going to give the airship races their own post tomorrow.
After the races, we looked at all the amazing creations in The Museum of Alternate History.
That evening, Blaze and I went to The Georgia Aquarium's Dragon*Con night.
Dinner was slices of pizza, eaten while sitting on the floor in the Marriott, people watching. That carpeting is surprisingly comfortable when you have tired feet and it would be hard to find a more entertaining dinner show.
After a little rest, we were ready for the midnight concert with The Cog is Dead.
I did not take this video, a gentleman named Mark Rossmore did, but it's the best one I've seen of the concert and it shows the very talented Tempest preforming with the band.
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