Thursday, October 30, 2014

Homeschool Halloween Party

The Tallahassee Homeschool Group had their Halloween Party at Optimist Park today.

It had been thundering and raining around noon, as we were getting dressed to go, but it stopped a few minutes after 1:00 p.m. and the sun came out. By the time the festivities began, all the rain had dried up and it was a beautiful day, so we had a good turnout.

I enjoyed seeing all the costumes on both children and parents.

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Many of the parents created game or craft booths.

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This craft was Blaze's favorite. Using just a paper cup, which could be decorated with Halloween stickers, and a balloon, the children were able to make marshmallow or popcorn launchers.

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Blaze and his friend started a popcorn war across the table, as soon as their launchers were assembled.

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There was also a large selection of Halloween theme snacks.

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