Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Saturday at Renninger's Steampunk Industrial Show

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This past weekend was Renninger's Antique Center's Steampunk Industrial Show, which is very much like a steampunk convention without the panels, but with the added bonus of having many rooms of antiques to look through.

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We arrived later than I had hoped, because our first stop of the morning was at Costco to pick up a refill of Blaze's anti-seizure medicine, since we had foolishly left that at home.

We all had a good time once we got there, though.

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Blaze especial enjoyed himself.

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We went to Renninger's steampunk event last year in January, as well, but this year there was even more entertainment, including the fire dancers from Phantasmagoria.

And what is better than watching people play with fire? People playing with fire during a The Cog is Dead show!

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There were lots of vendors of steampunk merchandise.

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There were also some very creative vehicles there.

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Although we were too late to see it inflated, the Airship Diamler (shown here) does have an airbag, but the wind was so strong on Saturday, that it tried to blow away and landed on top of some people sitting at a near-by picnic table.

These next two were built by the people at the Time Bandits shop:

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Renninger's in Mount Dora, Florida will be having another steampunk weekend in the Fall, Oct.17th and 18th.


  1. Has Blaze seen the old Time Bandits movie? It is PG-13, and I wouldn't call it steampunk, but I definitely think that it has steampunk elements.

  2. He just saw it for the first time a couple months ago. He thought it was really cool.
