Bomb-Omb was one of the post popular conversation starters with people passing the Splendid Teapot Racing registration table on Sept. 2, 2017 in Hannibal, Missouri.
This was Thomas Benson's second year competing in the Splendid Teapot Races at Big River Steampunk Festival. He does an awesome job of matching his racer to his costume and hamming it up for the audience, but this year, he forgot a vital element. This is not a teapot. The addition of a spout would have made all the difference.

Just incase he ever decides to re-use the Wario costume and this vehicle again, I found a great idea of where the spout can go without spoiling the integrity of the design. This is a real pair of ceramic teapots created by Deviantart.com user ChocolateFrizz89. The fuse is the spout.

Good showmanship makes up for many faults. The audience really loved watching Wario and his remote controlled bomb.

If you would like to follow Thomas' further adventures, you can subscribe to his YouTube channel, Nerd Buffet
I can’t believe that child kicked his racer.
Hey, it looks like we are going to Dragon*Con this year. I don't know if you all will be able to go, but maybe we can meet up again, have a rematch at tea dueling? We'll be bringing our daughter this time too.
I don't think we are going to be able to go. I'm waiting to hear from Big River Steampunk Festival about whether or not they want me to run the teapot racing that weekend. The price of hotels for DragonCon kept going up, until they were unaffordable for us after our last year, anyway. I really enjoy DragonCon and would have liked to meet up.
Yeah, we found that it was cheaper for us to drive to Atlanta and stay at a motel 10 miles out of town than to be near the actual convention. But maybe next time!
Bomb Omb's artwork is exquisite. I have a long way to go before my artwork on my cars is anything like that.
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