Monday, September 26, 2011

Hats: It's Costume Making Time Again

I have already finished the hats that will go with our Halloween costumes this year.

I'm going to be Mary Poppins. I found the hat at a vintage store in downtown Gainesville and added flowers from the dollar store.


Blaze has decided to be a steampunk cowboy.

Our favorite inspiration pictures for this costume are these:


The movie version of Wild Wild West wasn't very good, but Will Smith's look for the video was awesome.


Blaze was really excited by the idea of a Tesla Ranger, enforcing the laws of science and fighting the robot menace in the wired West. So, last night after he went to bed, I made a special hatband for his cowboy hat.


The gears are a way for him to count coup, each one was taken from a robot he destroyed.


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  2. Perfect Mary Poppins hat:)
    and Blaze's cowboy steampunk costume is going to be awesome!

    Noah is still not sure of what he wants to be... kicking around the idea of a Colonial skeleton.
    Last year, he was a steampunk skeleton:)

  3. I really like the idea of skeletons throughout history. You could take pictures of him each year until you have enough to make a timeline (maybe with a little branch coming off of it for alternate realities).
