Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day!


DH is a huge Star Wars fan,as well as a great dad, so for Father's Day we used the new Star Wars cookie cutters, we bought at the William Sonoma store, to bake Darth Vader and Yoda cookies.



The Yoda cookies are rosemary shortbread. The recipe can be found here:

Rosemary Shortbread Cookies Recipe


For the Darth Vader Cookies, I combined two flavors that DH really loves, dark chocolate and cinnamon.

1 Cup softened butter

1 Cup sugar

1/2 Cup dark cocoa powder

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

2 1/2 Cups unbleached white flour

Mix butter and sugar until well blended. Add remaining ingredients and mix. Use hands to squeeze the dough together. roll out to a 1/4 inch on a floured board and cut out cookie shapes. Bake at 275 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes.

I don't want my kitchen gizmos to be single use only, so I had to try something non-cookie related with the cookie cutters. Here is Boba Fett toast:


1 comment:

  1. LOL...this is great! My hubby is a huge Star Wars fan, too. :)
