Thursday, April 7, 2011

Being a Fangirl

This may be why I never have any money. As soon as I got paid this month, I excitedly made a silly fangirl purchase from Clockwork Couture.


The tentacle covered parasol is pretty awesome to begin with, but this one will be signed by Gail Carriger, the author of Soulless and the rest of the Parasol Protectorate series, at a tea she is attending Sunday in Pasadena.


  1. That is a great parasol. I might actually get to meet Gail, she is supposed to be at World Con in Reno mid-August.

  2. That would be fun!
    Blaze has been trying to talk us into going to Dragon Con in Atlanta this year. Gail isn't on the guest list, yet, but Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner are, which is why Blaze is all excited.

  3. I read one of the reasons she chose to go to World Con was because it was close enough to drive to! I guess she lives some where in California.
