Thursday, August 11, 2011

New Pictures of Blaze the Airship Pirate

Blaze has been going through a big growth spurt. A couple days ago, I had him try on every pair of pants and shorts he had and we ended up giving away a garbage bag full of clothes. This meant he had also grown out of the pants I had planned to have him wear for his airship pirate costume at Dragon*Con. I found him some cool looking striped pants on a clearance rack for $3, but then I had to replace his shirt, because the shirt I had for the costume was also striped. Yesterday, we went to the Mission Resale shop and found a plain white shirt for $1.50. I cut off the cuffs and used a lighter and a bucket of water to give it the distressed (battle-worn) look I was going for.

So, here is the revised airship pirate costume:





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Crafty Crow