Sunday, November 14, 2010



This afternoon, there were two hours of free bowling at the Reitz Union (on the U.F. campus) for all the children that belong to "Noah's Endeavor " .


Blaze had trouble with the 8-pound balls, which were the lightest they had.


Gutter ball after gutter ball was really starting to frustrate him,


when he came up with the idea that what he needed was "teamwork". He asked for the ramp that was being used for the players who were in wheel chairs, and gathered two college students and a boy his own age to help him. For his last 3 or 4 turns, he insisted that they all had to have a hand on the ball and push it down the ramp together.


Bowling by committee!


Tammy said...

Yay for teamwork! I'm glad Blaze found a way to have a great time. :)

Erin Winslow aka Itsbugart said...

Wow! Smart little guy!!! :-)

Crafty Crow