Monday, December 16, 2013

Steampunk Christmas Caroling

Yesterday, Blaze and I went Christmas caroling in the Levy Park neighborhood of Tallahassee. This was their second annual Steampunk Caroling event, a tradition they started last year after real gas lamps were installed down the middle of 7th Avenue. This was our first time going and it was actually Blaze's first time ever caroling, but it was a great group of people, who made us feel very welcome.

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I really like the tiny canons on top of this hat!

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It's a little fuzzy, but Blaze took a picture of me.

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He also took a short video of us singing:

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1 comment:

Laura Morrigan said...

I would love to go to Steampunk carols! Things are starting to take off around where I live, so maybe next year there will be something like that! Great outfits!

Crafty Crow