I spent all last week working on new pages for the Steampunk scrapbook, using pictures from The Florida Steampunk Exhibition East.
The first few pages are pretty straight forward scrapbook pages,

but then I tried a couple new techniques for adding extra pictures to a page. For the first one, I used the little pictures that came on a collage sheet.

I created a gear with a photo sized window in it. It is fastened to the scrapbook page with a large brad, on which a decorative gear has been glued. This allows the gear to turn, revealing different tiny photographs.

For the next page, I printed pictures on both sides of two sheets of ink jet printable Shrinky Dinks. It took some experimenting to get the color just right on the Shrinky Dinks, though, because the image must be lightened considerably before printing. This is because the image will darken as it shrinks. A regular one-hole hole punch, used before baking, worked well for a jump ring to go through, but If you are going to hang the picture directly on a chain or ribbon, you'll want to make a bigger hole.

I still haven't finished doing the pictures from last year's Dragon*Con, so while I was at it I did this page:

I really like the steampunk musical sticker sheet from Jolee, which can be found
I also added a photograph to the inside of the back cover of the book, a photoshopped image of my hometown, that I had used as part of the story Ula and I have been writing for Blaze.

These are a few pages that I finished quite sometime ago, but never posted:
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