Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Our Last Day in Williamsburg, Part 2

To pick up where I left off last night when my eyes became to tired to see the page any longer...

Blaze, like most of the boys there, was fascinated by the Williamsburg Powder Magazine, the place where the gun powder and guns were stored.




We then went to the DeWitt Wallace Decorative Arts Museum, which is entered by going through an eighteenth century insane asylum, the first hospital in North America to solely treat mental illness (DH has an interest in mental hospitals, because he did his Masters Thesis on Civil War era mental hospital cemeteries).

There were exhibits in the museum that caught Blaze's attention, too. There was a nice exhibit of children's toys.


I love this dollhouse size kitchen:


After the museum, we wandered through some shops and made it back to the historic area just in time for the Tavern illumination, which was good because by that time we were freezing and all the fires warmed us up nicely before the walk back to the car.




One of the taverns had this lovely example of the tin lanterns we were trying to make with our tin cans:

When we left Williamsburg, we drove for about two hours and spent the night in Charlottesville, so we can go see Thomas Jefferson's home, Monticello, before heading West. We have about a ten hour drive ahead of us today.

The weather report for Illinois, which is where we are going, doesn't look good. It says "ice pellets".

once we arrive in Illinois, I will be without internet for a couple of days, so I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!

I will leave you with a picture of the prettiest Christmas tree I've seen this season, the Folk Art Tree from the Dewitt Museum:

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Crafty Crow